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“How Different Will Your Life Be In A Year’s Time?”


“Only As Different As YOU Decide You’re Going To Make It!”


Hey There,

I’d like you to just take a brief moment to think back to a year ago today.

Can you remember what you were doing?

Do you remember what your goals were?

Now, thinking back to what you had intended to do in the coming 12 months, ask yourself…

“How much of that have I actually achieved?”


“How many of those goals have I just given up on?”

Chances are, if you’re like most people… it’ll be most of them.


Because often what we say we WANT
And what we end up DOING…

Turn out to be a million worlds apart!

We can have the biggest, boldest dreams in the world and a massive desire to improve our own financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual worlds, but unless we have a plan and more importantly, use a system that enables us to embed and ingrain all the changes we say we want to make in our life… then slowly, sadly but inevitably we revert back to all our old habits.

Don’t worry or feel bad about it. Almost EVERYONE does this. It’s a natural part of “being human”.

However, I don’t think you are like most people. I believe you’re reading this because you are different. Very different. You’re quite possibly one of the rare few that do actually follow through and end up making the difference you know you’re here to make.

I also believe that you’re different because you feel deep down inside that you really do want, no need to interrupt your old pattern of “sameness”. You’re determined to get ahead and make that vital change in your mindset that will enable you to show the world how unique you truly are. Am I right?

If I am then it’s very possible that within a year from now, your whole life could be moving in a totally different direction and at a totally different pace from where it is now. But it only will when you decide that you’ve had enough and say to yourself “I refuse to put up with all this crap any longer” and decide once and for all that you will never allow your life to be the same again. Decide that you are in control of your own destiny and no-one, anywhere can ever tell you that you’re not.

Just Imagine:

  • A happier you
  • A healthier you
  • A stronger you
  • A more confident you
  • A financially inependent you
  • A spiritually connected you
  • You, well on the way to becoming your true self and living the life of your dreams!


Instead of wishing, hoping and dreaming of improving your life, only to watch your bad habits sabotage you again and again… NOW is the time to make that permanent shift. To transform yourself into the new you that turns heads of your family, friends and co-workers.


The Giants Awakening Success System
12 months to a completely NEW YOU!

When you join this new Giants Awakening program you get instant access to a success program that reconnects you with your true desires in life. A program that teaches you how to become fully accountable for creating the real change that will bring about all the success you desire. And when you realise what that means, and more importantly what it takes, will also enable you to dramatically speed up the whole process.

The Giants Awakening Success System is built on the premise that it’s “by making a series of small changes consistently over time that enables you to ultimately create the future you desire.”

Therefore, instead of setting you up to fail again by making you invest hours and hours of your time trying to radically transform your behaviour in a ridiculously short space of time, the Giants Awakening program systematically guides you through a series of much smaller, more achievable changes that are easy to implement. And because they’re spread out over a full 12 months, it means that you are significantly more likely to achieve many, if not all, the goals you decide you want to shoot for.

Whatismore, this is a fun program that’s been designed to easily compliment and fit in with your already busy lifestyle.

By finding just a couple of quiet moments each day and sticking with it, this program is guaranteed to ignite the flame and awaken that part of you that has been lying dormant up until now. That part that has the power to transform your life in a way that before today you have only ever dreamed of.


Over the course of the next 12 months, you will get to focus on a number of key areas in your life that you might wish to change. The Giants Awakening system covers the following topics on a month by month basis…

  1. Goals/Vision
  2. Motivation
  3. Accountability
  4. Persistence
  5. Facing Fear
  6. Acting As If
  7. Asking For Things
  8. Time Management
  9. Communication Skills
  10. Keeping Score
  11. Finances
  12. Giving Back

Each month you will receive an overview of the topic at hand, provided with a set of simple tasks that are easy to complete and have been proven over time to move action takers towards the achievement of their goal, along with a weekly reminder and progress check.

Each stage of the program has been cleverly designed to take up the minimum amount of time and build upon all the previous steps covered whilst all the time keeping you on track and focussed on the achievement your specific goals.

At the end of 12 months… you will have spent time on and instinctively know what else you need to do in order to give yourself the best possible chance to develop and improve 12 key areas that will be absolutely vital to your LIFELONG success.

All it takes is a few quiet minutes a day, CONSISTENTLY! And that’s what we’re here to provide. A regular reminder that is guaranteed to keep you on track whilst you learn new skills that take your life in the direction that you desire and in the process takes you by the hand and moves you from being a student or beginner in something that you enjoy doing, through to being recognised as an expert in that area and ultimately become one of the leading authorities in your field, if that’s where you’d ultimately like to end up.

Just think… 1 year from now and EVERYTHING in your life could be so much better. You will be clear on the path that you want to follow and know what you need to do to achieve the life of YOUR dreams (not somebody else’s dream for you!). All you have to do now is take that all important first step.

Sign up to receive the Giants Awakening Success System below and give yourself the gift of enjoying the life that you want for yourself, today.